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Relax and Take a Deep Breath, The Lucarelli Approach to Oboe Playing by Kristin Leitterman

NEW: Relax and Take a Deep Breath

The Lucarelli Approach to Oboe Playing
Relax and Take a Deep Breath is a critical hit with musicians of all disciplines, praised by The Instrumentalist, Mind Over Finger, The International Double Reed Society, Double Reed Dish, and more. Author Kristin Leitterman expertly reveals virtuoso Bert Lucarelli's renowned approach to oboe performance and pedagogy to help players progress and to challenge them to explore their own thoughts on oboe playing, and captures his admired erudition and wit, as well as his love for music, teaching, and playing.

Learn more on the product page!

NEW: 17 Daily Exercises

A Flute Classic. Turbocharged by Jasmine Choi.
Flute virtuoso Jasmine Choi provides a must-have expanded edition of Taffanel & Gaubert’s 17 Daily Exercises, enhancing the complete and authentic original “T&G” with additional exercises for the expanded low and high ranges and suggestions for further facility and elegance. This special edition appears in a crisp, new engraving optimized for easy reading, with commentary and instructions from Ms. Choi based on her own notes to herself in the copy she used as a student.

Learn more on the product page!

Jasmine Choi Edition Taffanel and Gaubert 17 Daily Exercises for Flute

Top Woodwind Methods+

Flute | Oboe | Clarinet | Bassoon | Saxophone

Top Flute Methods

Oboe | Clarinet | Bassoon | Saxophone

  1. 17 Daily Exercises
    17 Daily Exercises
    Print (414-41239): $29.99
    Digital (414-41239D): $29.99
    Paul Taffanel, Philippe Gaubert, Jasmine Choi (ed.)
  2. 24 Caprices
    24 Caprices
    Print (O83): $13.99
    Digital (O83D): $13.99
    Theobald Boehm, John Wummer (ed.)
  3. 30 Caprices for Flute
    30 Caprices for Flute
    Print (CU176): $13.99
    Digital (CU176D): $13.99
    Sigfrid Karg-Elert
  4. 35 Exercises for Flute, Op. 33
    35 Exercises for Flute, Op. 33
    Print (O2195): $6.95
    Digital (O2195D): $6.95
    Ernesto Köhler
  5. 35 Exercises for Flute
    35 Exercises for Flute
    Print (O1557): $8.99
    Digital (O1557D): $8.99
    Ernesto Köhler
  6. 35 Exercises for Flute
    35 Exercises for Flute
    Print (O2499): $8.99
    Digital (O2499D): $8.99
    Ernesto Köhler
  7. 6 Weeks To Finals
    6 Weeks To Finals
    Print (417-41040): $21.99
    Digital (417-41040D): $21.99
    Sharon Sparrow
  8. Advanced Studies: The Art of Chunking, Flute
    Advanced Studies: The Art of Chunking, Flute
    Print (414-41213): $40.00
    Digital (414-41213D): $40.00
    Patricia George, Phyllis Louke
  9. The Complete Piccolo
    The Complete Piccolo
    Standard Binding (417-41038): $22.99
    Gippo (ed.), Wacker (ed.), Williams (ed.), Jan Gippo, Laurie Sokoloff, et al.
  10. Flute 101: Mastering the Basics
    Flute 101: Mastering the Basics
    Print (414-41200): $22.99
    Digital (414-41200D): $22.99
    Phyllis Louke, Phyllis Louke, Patricia George
  11. Flute 101.5
    Flute 101.5
    Print (414-41229): $26.99
    Digital (414-41229D): $26.99
    Patricia George, Phyllis Avidan Louke
  12. Flute 102: Mastering the Basics
    Flute 102: Mastering the Basics
    Print (414-41208): $24.99
    Digital (414-41208D): $24.99
    Phyllis Avidan Louke, Patricia George
  13. Flute 103: Mastering the Basics
    Flute 103: Mastering the Basics
    Spiral Binding (414-41210): $26.99
    Patricia George, Phyllis Louke
    Flute 1, Flute 2
  14. The Flute Scale Book
    The Flute Scale Book
    Print (414-41206): $31.99
    Digital (414-41206D): $31.99
    Patricia George, Phyllis Louke
  15. Foundation To Flute Playing
    Foundation To Flute Playing
    Standard Binding (O223): $29.99
    Ernest Wagner
  16. Great Flute Duos From The Orchestral Repertoire
    Great Flute Duos From The Orchestral Repertoire
    Print (414-41186): $55.00
    Digital (414-41186D): $55.00
    Brahms, Smetana, Mendelssohn, Dilshad Posnock (ed.), Daniel Dorff (ed.), Baxtresser, Siebert, Cramer, et al.
    Flute 1, Flute 2, Alto Flute
  17. I Used to Play Flute
    I Used to Play Flute
    Standard Binding (WF89): $21.99
    Poulton, Ward, English Folk Song, Larry Clark (arr.), et al.
  18. The Mazzanti Method, Vol. 1
    The Mazzanti Method, Vol. 1
    Spiral Binding (414-41212): $31.99
    Nicola Mazzanti
  19. The Mazzanti Method, Vol. 2
    The Mazzanti Method, Vol. 2
    Standard Binding (414-41232): $55.00
    Nicola Mazzanti, Alessandro Cavicchi, Nicola Mazzanti
  20. Opera Excerpts
    Opera Excerpts
    Score and Parts (414-41183): $50.00
    Smetana, Bellini, Mozart, Martha Rearick (arr.), Daniel Dorff (ed.), Michael Parloff, et al.
    Flute, Piano
  21. Orchestral Excerpts for Flute, Revised Edition
    Orchestral Excerpts for Flute, Revised Edition
    Print (414-41171): $55.00
    Digital (414-41171DD): $52.00
    Brahms, Beethoven, Mendelssohn, Daniel Dorff (ed.), Jeanne Baxtresser, et al.
    Flute, Piano
  22. Orchestral Excerpts for Flute, Volume 2
    Orchestral Excerpts for Flute, Volume 2
    Standard Binding (414-41205): $55.00
    Teddy Niedermaier (arr.), Daniel Dorff (ed.), Jeanne Baxtresser, Adria Foster
    Flute, Piano
  23. Orchestral Excerpts for Piccolo
    Orchestral Excerpts for Piccolo
    Print (414-41180): $53.00
    Digital (414-41180D): $53.00
    Borodin, Brahms, Sousa, Martha Rearick (arr.), Daniel Dorff (ed.), Jack Wellbaum, et al.
    Piccolo, Piano
  24. Repertoire Classics for Flute
    Repertoire Classics for Flute
    Standard Binding (WF110): $16.99
    Bach, Beethoven, Bizet, Donald Peck (arr.), Donald Peck (ed.), et al.
    Flute, Piano
  25. Seven Daily Exercises
    Seven Daily Exercises
    Print (CU148): $9.99
    Digital (CU148D): $8.99
    Matheus Reichert
  26. Solos for Flute
    Solos for Flute
    Standard Binding (ATF104): $28.99
    Brahms, Beethoven, Mozart, Donald Peck (ed.), et al.
    Flute, Piano
  27. The Top Octave Book
    The Top Octave Book
    Print (417-41041): $24.99
    Digital (417-41041D): $24.99
    Patricia George
  28. Top Register Studies for Flute
    Top Register Studies for Flute
    Print (O4739): $15.99
    Digital (O4739D): $15.99
    Thomas Filas
  29. Vibrato Workbook
    Vibrato Workbook
    Print (FH0457): $25.99
    Digital (FH0457D): $25.99
    Christine Potter
  30. 125 Easy Classical Studies
    125 Easy Classical Studies
    Frans Vester (ed.)
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Top Oboe Methods

Flute | Clarinet | Bassoon | Saxophone

  1. 48 Studies for Oboe, Op. 31
    48 Studies for Oboe, Op. 31
    Standard Binding (WF56): $22.99
    John Walker, Franz Ferling, Nancy Clauter (ed.)
    Oboe, Piano
  2. Daily Exercises and Scales for Oboe
    Daily Exercises and Scales for Oboe
    Print (O782): $13.99
    Digital (O782D): $13.99
    Gabriel Pares
    Oboe, Saxophone
  3. Melodious Etudes for Oboe
    Melodious Etudes for Oboe
    Print (WF49): $19.99
    Digital (WF49D): $19.99
    Marco Bordogni, Larry Clark (arr.), Sean O'Loughlin (arr.), Sean O'Loughlin (ed.), Larry Clark (ed.)
  4. Method for Oboe
    Method for Oboe
    Standard Binding (O1524): $34.99
    Capua, Brahms, Beethoven, Bruno Labate (arr.), Bruno Labate (ed.), et al.
  5. Orchestral Excerpts for Oboe
    Orchestral Excerpts for Oboe
    Standard Binding (414-41189): $45.00
    Brahms, Barber, Smetana, Maurice Ravel (arr.), Martha Rearick (arr.), Daniel Dorff (ed.), John Ferrillo, et al.
    Oboe, Piano
  6. Repertoire Classics for Oboe
    Repertoire Classics for Oboe
    Standard Binding (WF111): $16.99
    Bach, Barlow, Beethoven, Nancy Clauter (arr.), Nancy Clauter (ed.), et al.
    Oboe, Piano
  7. Solos for Oboe
    Solos for Oboe
    Standard Binding (ATF146): $29.99
    Cohen, Bueris, Beethoven, W. Whiting (arr.), Merle Isaac (arr.), Nancy Clauter (ed.), et al.
    Oboe, Piano
  8. Twenty Seven Melodious and Rhythmical Exercises
    Twenty Seven Melodious and Rhythmical Exercises
    Print (O1835): $16.99
    Digital (O1835D): $16.99
    J.L. Small
    Saxophone, Oboe
  9. Twenty-Seven Virtuoso Studies
    Twenty-Seven Virtuoso Studies
    Print (O61): $18.99
    Digital (O61D): $18.99
    Luigi Bassi, Gerardo Iasilli (trans.)
    Saxophone, Oboe
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Top Clarinet Methods

Flute | Oboe | Bassoon | Saxophone

  1. 24 Varied Scales and Exercises for Clarinet
    24 Varied Scales and Exercises for Clarinet
    Print (O99X): $12.99
    Digital (O99XD): $12.99
    J. Albert, Julie DeRoche (ed.)
    Clarinet in B
  2. 40 Studies for Clarinet
    40 Studies for Clarinet
    Print (O437): $10.99
    Digital (O437D): $10.99
    Cyrille Rose
    Clarinet in B
  3. Rose 32 Etudes for Clarinet
    Rose 32 Etudes for Clarinet
    Standard Binding (WF85): $16.99
    John Walker, Franz Ferling, Cyrille Rose (arr.), Melvin Warner (ed.)
    Clarinet in B, Piano
  4. 416 Progressive Daily Studies for The Clarinet
    416 Progressive Daily Studies for The Clarinet
    Print (O312): $14.99
    Digital (O312D): $13.99
    Fritz Kroepsch, Simeon Bellison (ed.)
    Clarinet in B
  5. The Advancing Clarinetist
    The Advancing Clarinetist
    Print (O4885): $13.99
    Digital (O4885D): $13.99
    Leon Lester (ed.)
    Clarinet in B
  6. Celebrated Method for the Clarinet
    Celebrated Method for the Clarinet
    Print (O304X): $34.99
    Digital (O304XD): $34.99
    Hyacinthe Klosé, Drucker (ed.), Drucker (ed.), Bellison (ed.)
    Clarinet in B
  7. Celebrated Method for the Clarinet
    Celebrated Method for the Clarinet
    Hyacinthe Klosé, Drucker (ed.), Drucker (ed.), Bellison (ed.)
    Clarinet in B
  8. Complete Method for Clarinet
    Complete Method for Clarinet
    Print (O33): $21.99
    Digital (O33D): $21.99
    Carl Baermann, Gustave Langenus (ed.)
    Clarinet in B
  9. Complete Method for Clarinet
    Complete Method for Clarinet
    Print (O32): $21.99
    Digital (O32D): $21.99
    Carl Baermann, Gustave Langenus (ed.)
    Clarinet in B
  10. Complete Method for The Clarinet
    Complete Method for The Clarinet
    Standard Binding (O1402): $29.99
    Gustave Langenus
    Clarinet in B
  11. I Used to Play Clarinet
    I Used to Play Clarinet
    Standard Binding (WF115): $21.99
    Clark, Poulton, Ward, Larry Clark (arr.), et al.
    Clarinet in B
  12. Intermediate Velocity Studies for Clarinet
    Intermediate Velocity Studies for Clarinet
    Standard Binding (O5433): $19.99
    Kalmen Opperman
    Clarinet in B
  13. Orchestral Studies for the Eb Clarinet
    Orchestral Studies for the Eb Clarinet
    Peter Hadcock
    Clarinet in E
  14. Repertoire Classics for Clarinet
    Repertoire Classics for Clarinet
    Standard Binding (WF112): $16.99
    Bach, Bassi, Beethoven, Denise Schmidt (arr.), Denise Schmidt (ed.), et al.
    Clarinet in B, Piano
  15. Solos for Clarinet
    Solos for Clarinet
    Standard Binding (ATF133): $29.99
    Morra, Siegmeister, Beethoven, Langenus (arr.), Whiting (arr.), Cochrane (arr.), et al.
    Clarinet in B, Piano
  16. The Clarinet Chromatic Machine
    The Clarinet Chromatic Machine
    Standard Binding (WF46): $29.99
    Spiral Binding (WF46SB): $39.99
    Borodin, Mussorgsky, Opperman, Kalmen Opperman, et al.
    Clarinet in B
  17. The Progressing Clarinetist
    The Progressing Clarinetist
    Print (O4766): $13.99
    Digital (O4766D): $13.99
    Leon Lester
    Clarinet in B
  18. The Working Clarinetist: Master Classes
    The Working Clarinetist: Master Classes
    Peter Hadcock
    Clarinet in B
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Top Bassoon Methods

Flute | Oboe | Clarinet | Saxophone

  1. 25 Studies in Scales and Chords for Bassoon
    25 Studies in Scales and Chords for Bassoon
    Print (414-41219): $21.99
    Digital (414-41219D): $21.99
    Ludwik Milde, William Short (ed.), Benjamin Kamins (ed.)
  2. Bassoon Studies, Op. 8 No. 1 for Beginners
    Bassoon Studies, Op. 8 No. 1 for Beginners
    Print (O2950): $14.99
    Digital (O2950D): $14.99
    Julius Weissenborn
  3. Bassoon Studies, Op. 8, No. 2
    Bassoon Studies, Op. 8, No. 2
    Print (O2951): $14.99
    Digital (O2951D): $14.99
    Julius Weissenborn
  4. Concert Studies
    Concert Studies
    Print (CU28): $13.99
    Digital (CU28D): $13.99
    Ludwik Milde
  5. Concert Studies
    Concert Studies
    Print (CU29): $12.99
    Digital (CU29D): $12.99
    Ludwik Milde
  6. The First Complete Weissenborn
    The First Complete Weissenborn
    Standard Binding (WF223): $36.99
    Spiral Binding (WF223SB): $45.00
    Julius Weissenborn, Ludwik Milde, Frank Morelli (ed.)
  7. Method for Bassoon
    Method for Bassoon
    Print (CU96): $29.99
    Digital (CU96D): $29.99
    Weissenborn, Milde, Almenraeder, P. Laube (ed.), Fred Bettoney (ed.), et al.
  8. Practical Method for The Bassoon
    Practical Method for The Bassoon
    Print (O2150): $31.99
    Digital (O2150D): $31.99
    Julius Weissenborn, W. Ambrosio (ed.)
  9. Selected Duos
    Selected Duos
    Spiral Binding (414-41225): $35.00
    Eugene Jancourt, Eugene Jancourt (arr.), William Short (ed.), Benjamin Kamins (ed.)
    Bassoon 1, Bassoon 2
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Top Saxophone Methods

Flute | Oboe | Clarinet | Bassoon

  1. 25 Daily Exercises for Saxophone
    25 Daily Exercises for Saxophone
    Print (O1718): $15.99
    Digital (O1718D): $15.99
    Hyacinthe Klosé, Timothy McAllister (ed.)
  2. 48 Studies for Alto Saxophone in Eb, Op. 31
    48 Studies for Alto Saxophone in Eb, Op. 31
    Standard Binding (WF80): $17.99
    Franz Ferling, John Walker (arr.), Daniel Schmidt (ed.)
    Alto Saxophone in E, Piano
  3. Contest & Festival Performance Solos, Alto Saxophone
    Contest & Festival Performance Solos, Alto Saxophone
    Standard Binding (414-41198): $21.99
    Bach, Clementi, Fauré, Larry Teal (arr.), et al.
    Alto Saxophone in E, Piano
  4. Exercises in All the Practical Keys
    Exercises in All the Practical Keys
    Print (O2929): $19.99
    Digital (O2929D): $19.99
    Salviani, Gerardo Iasilli (trans.)
  5. I Used to Play Alto Saxophone
    I Used to Play Alto Saxophone
    Standard Binding (WF116): $21.99
    Poulton, English Folk Song, Davidica, Larry Clark (arr.), et al.
    Alto Saxophone in E
  6. I Used to Play Tenor Saxophone
    I Used to Play Tenor Saxophone
    Standard Binding (WF139): $21.99
    Poulton, Ward, English Folk Song, Larry Clark (arr.), et al.
    Tenor Saxophone in B
  7. The Richtmeyer Method for Saxophone Mastery, Vol. 1
    The Richtmeyer Method for Saxophone Mastery, Vol. 1
    Standard Binding (414-41233): $42.00
    Spiral Binding (414-41233SB): $50.00
    Connie Frigo (ed.), Debra Richtmeyer
  8. The Richtmeyer Method for Saxophone Mastery, Vol. 2
    The Richtmeyer Method for Saxophone Mastery, Vol. 2
    Standard Binding (414-41234): $34.00
    Spiral Binding (414-41234SB): $42.00
    Connie Frigo (ed.), Debra Richtmeyer
  9. Solos for Alto Saxophone
    Solos for Alto Saxophone
    Standard Binding (ATF145): $29.99
    Brahms, Bruch, Mendelssohn, Lee Patrick (ed.), et al.
    Alto Saxophone in E, Piano
  10. Top-Tones for The Saxophone
    Top-Tones for The Saxophone
    Print (O2964): $16.99
    Digital (O2964D): $16.99
    Sigurd Rascher
  11. Universal Method for Saxophone
    Universal Method for Saxophone
    Standard Binding (O532): $36.99
    Spiral Binding (O532SB): $41.99
    DeVille, Brahms, Ville, DeVille (arr.), Lefebre (arr.), Conklin (arr.), Paul DeVille (ed.), et al.
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Woodwinds | Brass | Strings | Piano & More

Top Brass Methods+

French Horn | Trumpet | Trombone | Tuba

Top Horn Methods

Trumpet | Trombone | Tuba

  1. Complete Method for the French Horn
    Complete Method for the French Horn
    Print (O226): $32.99
    Digital (O226D): $32.99
    Oscar Franz
    Horn in F
  2. I Used to Play Horn
    I Used to Play Horn
    Standard Binding (WF140): $21.99
    Poulton, Ward, English Folk Song, Larry Clark (arr.), et al.
    Horn in F
  3. Lip Flexibilities
    Lip Flexibilities
    Bai Lin
    Trumpet in B, Horn in F, Trombone, Tuba
  4. Melodious Studies for French Horn
    Melodious Studies for French Horn
    Print (O4776): $18.99
    Digital (O4776D): $18.99
    Erwin Miersch, Erwin Miersch (ed.)
    Horn in F
  5. Musician, Heal Thyself
    Musician, Heal Thyself
    Kristy Morrell
    Horn in F
  6. Primary Studies
    Primary Studies
    Print (464-00022): $16.99
    Digital (464-00022D): $16.99
    Anton Horner
    Horn in F
  7. Sixty Selected Studies for Horn - Book 1
    Sixty Selected Studies for Horn - Book 1
    Print (O2790X): $14.99
    Digital (O2790XD): $14.99
    Georg Kopprasch, Michelle Stebleton (ed.)
    Horn in F
  8. Sixty Selected Studies for French Horn
    Sixty Selected Studies for French Horn
    Print (O2791): $11.99
    Digital (O2791D): $11.99
    Georg Kopprasch, G. Frehse (ed.), Fr. Gumbert (ed.)
    Horn in F
  9. Technical Studies
    Technical Studies
    Print (O5018): $16.99
    Digital (O5018D): $16.99
    William Brophy, William Brophy
    Horn in F
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Top Trumpet Methods

French Horn | Trombone | Tuba

  1. 14 Duets for Trumpet
    14 Duets for Trumpet
    Print (WF75): $17.99
    Digital (WF75D): $17.99
    Bach, Boismortier, Handel, Michael Sachs (arr.), Joseph Alessi (arr.), Michael Sachs (ed.), Joseph Alessi (ed.), et al.
    Trumpet 1 in B, Trumpet 2 in B
  2. 36 Celebrated Studies for the Cornet
    36 Celebrated Studies for the Cornet
    Print (O88X): $16.99
    Digital (O88XD): $16.99
    Narcisse Bousquet, Edwin Franko Goldman (ed.), Joey Tartell (ed.)
    Cornet in B
  3. 120 Etudes for Trumpet
    120 Etudes for Trumpet
    Print (WF239): $29.99
    Digital (WF239D): $29.99
    Wilhelm Wurm, Michael Sachs (ed.)
  4. Characteristic Studies
    Characteristic Studies
    Print (O2281): $19.99
    Digital (O2281D): $19.99
    Herbert Clarke
    Cornet in B
  5. Charlier Etudes No. 1-36
    Charlier Etudes No. 1-36
    Print (BQ140A): $32.99
    Digital (BQ140AD): $32.99
    Theo Charlier, Jean-Marie Cottet (ed.), Rob Roy McGregor (ed.)
    Trumpet in B
  6. Complete Conservatory Method for Trumpet
    Complete Conservatory Method for Trumpet
    Standard Binding (O21X): $36.99
    Spiral Binding (O21XSB): $50.00
    Jean-Baptiste Arban, Jennifer Marotta (ed.), Thomas Hooten (ed.)
    Trumpet in B, Cornet in B
  7. Complete Solfeggi for Trumpet
    Complete Solfeggi for Trumpet
    Standard Binding (BQ51): $34.99
    Giuseppe Concone, John Korak (ed.)
    Trumpet in B
  8. Daily Trumpet Routines
    Daily Trumpet Routines
    Print (O4945): $31.99
    Digital (O4945D): $31.99
    Claude Gordon (ed.)
    Trumpet in B
  9. Elementary Studies
    Elementary Studies
    Print (O2279): $19.99
    Digital (O2279D): $19.99
    Herbert L. Clarke
    Trumpet in B
  10. Ernst Sachse 100 Transposition Etudes for Trumpet
    Ernst Sachse 100 Transposition Etudes for Trumpet
    Print (WF237): $29.99
    Digital (WF237D): $29.99
    Ernst Sachse, Michael Sachs (ed.)
    Trumpet in B (All Trumpets) (Piccolo Trumpet in B...
  11. Forty Progressive Etudes
    Forty Progressive Etudes
    Print (O3309X): $21.99
    Digital (O3309XD): $21.99
    Sigmund Hering
    Trumpet in B
  12. Grand Method for Trumpet or Cornet
    Grand Method for Trumpet or Cornet
    Standard Binding (O457): $42.00
    Spiral Binding (O457SB): $50.00
    Louis Saint-Jacome, Claude Gordon (ed.)
    Trumpet in B
  13. Lip Flexibilities
    Lip Flexibilities
    Bai Lin
    Trumpet in B, Horn in F, Trombone, Tuba
  14. Melodious Etudes for Trumpet
    Melodious Etudes for Trumpet
    Print (WF7): $19.99
    Digital (WF7D): $19.99
    Marco Bordogni, Sean O'Loughlin (arr.), Larry Clark (arr.), Sean O'Loughlin (ed.), Larry Clark (ed.)
    Trumpet in B
  15. My First Arban
    My First Arban
    Print (O5504): $9.99
    Digital (O5504D): $9.99
    Jean-Baptiste Arban, Robert Foster (ed.)
    Trumpet in B
  16. Physical Approach To Elementary Brass Playing
    Physical Approach To Elementary Brass Playing
    Print (O5017): $19.99
    Digital (O5017D): $19.99
    Claude Gordon
    Trumpet in B
  17. Practice Sequences for The Orchestral Trumpet
    Practice Sequences for The Orchestral Trumpet
    Print (414-41228): $29.99
    Digital (414-41228D): $29.99
  18. Practical Studies for the Trumpet
    Practical Studies for the Trumpet
    Print (O243X): $18.99
    Digital (O243XD): $18.99
    Edwin Franko Goldman, Joey Tartell (ed.)
    Trumpet in B
  19. ¡Simplemente Mariachi! Book 1
    ¡Simplemente Mariachi! Book 1
    Trumpet in C
  20. Solos for Trumpet
    Solos for Trumpet
    Standard Binding (ATF143): $28.99
    Levy, Hartley, Short, Roberts (arr.), Mendez (arr.), Smith (arr.), Smith (ed.), Goldman (ed.), Morrison (ed.), et al.
    Trumpet in B, Piano
  21. Systematic Approach to Daily Practice
    Systematic Approach to Daily Practice
    Print (O4702): $31.99
    Digital (O4702D): $31.99
    Claude Gordon, Claude Gordon
    Trumpet in B
  22. Technical Studies for the Cornet
    Technical Studies for the Cornet
    Print (O2280): $19.99
    Digital (O2280D): $19.99
    Herbert L. Clarke, Herbert Clarke
    Cornet in B (Trumpet in B)
  23. The Boom Method Vol. 1
    The Boom Method Vol. 1
    Print (BQ201): $36.99
    Digital (BQ201D): $36.99
    Daniel Rosenboom
  24. The Herbert L. Clarke Collection
    The Herbert L. Clarke Collection
    Standard Binding (WF44): $31.99
    Herbert L. Clarke, Michael Sachs
    Trumpet in B (or Cornet in Bb), Piano
  25. The Orchestral Trumpet
    The Orchestral Trumpet
    Spiral Binding (414-41227): $45.00
  26. The Sigmund Hering Trumpet Course
    The Sigmund Hering Trumpet Course
    Print (O5136): $12.99
    Digital (O5136D): $12.99
    Sigmund Hering
    Trumpet in B
  27. The Singing Trumpet
    The Singing Trumpet
    Standard Binding (TXT14): $38.99
    Peter Bond
    Trumpet in B
  28. Thirty-Two Etudes
    Thirty-Two Etudes
    Print (O3226): $16.99
    Digital (O3226D): $16.99
    Sigmund Hering
    Trumpet in B, Cornet in B
  29. Top Tones for the Trumpeter
    Top Tones for the Trumpeter
    Print (O2487): $18.99
    Digital (O2487D): $18.99
    Walter Smith
    Trumpet in B
  30. Twenty-Seven Melodious and Rhythmical Exercises
    Twenty-Seven Melodious and Rhythmical Exercises
    Print (O1834): $16.99
    Digital (O1834D): $16.99
    J.L. Small
    Cornet in B, Trumpet in B
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Top Trombone Methods

French Horn | Trumpet | Tuba

  1. 14 Duets for Trombone
    14 Duets for Trombone
    Print (WF76): $18.99
    Digital (WF76D): $18.99
    Bach, Boismortier, Handel, Joseph Alessi (arr.), Michael Sachs (arr.), Joseph Alessi (ed.), Michael Sachs (ed.), et al.
    Trombone 1, Trombone 2
  2. Bass Clef Lip Flexibilities
    Bass Clef Lip Flexibilities
    Bai Lin
    Trombone, Bass Trombone, Euphonium, Tuba
  3. Forty Progressive Etudes
    Forty Progressive Etudes
    Print (O4441X): $21.99
    Digital (O4441XD): $21.99
    Sigmund Hering
  4. I Used to Play Trombone
    I Used to Play Trombone
    Standard Binding (WF117): $21.99
    Poulton, Ward, English Folk Song, Larry Clark (arr.), et al.
  5. Introductory Melodious Etudes for Trombone
    Introductory Melodious Etudes for Trombone
    Print (O5193): $12.99
    Digital (O5193D): $12.99
    Alan Raph (arr.)
  6. Melodious Etudes for Bass Trombone
    Melodious Etudes for Bass Trombone
    Print (O4799): $16.99
    Digital (O4799D): $16.99
    Marco Bordogni, Allen Ostrander (arr.), Allen Ostrander (ed.)
    Bass Trombone
  7. Melodious Etudes for Trombone (Book 1: Nos. 1-60)
    Melodious Etudes for Trombone (Book 1: Nos. 1-60)
    Standard Binding (O1594X): $24.99
    Giovanni Bordogni, Joannes Rochut (arr.), Alan Raph (ed.)
  8. Melodious Etudes for Trombone (Book 2: Nos. 61 - 90)
    Melodious Etudes for Trombone (Book 2: Nos. 61 - 90)
    Standard Binding (O1595X): $26.99
    Giovanni Bordogni, Joannes Rochut (arr.), Alan Raph (ed.)
  9. Melodious Etudes for Trombone - Book III
    Melodious Etudes for Trombone - Book III
    Print (O1596): $19.99
    Digital (O1596D): $19.99
    Joannes Rochut (arr.)
  10. Method for Trombone
    Method for Trombone
    Standard Binding (O23X): $32.99
    Spiral Binding (O23XSB): $45.00
    Jean-Baptiste Arban, Raph (ed.), Randall (ed.), Mantia (ed.)
    Trombone, Baritone, Euphonium
  11. Sixty Selected Studies for Trombone - Bk. 1
    Sixty Selected Studies for Trombone - Bk. 1
    Print (O2895): $11.99
    Digital (O2895D): $11.99
    Georg Kopprasch
  12. Sixty Selected Studies for Trombone
    Sixty Selected Studies for Trombone
    Print (O2615): $11.99
    Digital (O2615D): $11.99
    Georg Kopprasch
  13. Studies In Legato
    Studies In Legato
    Print (O4767): $19.99
    Digital (O4767D): $19.99
    Reginald Fink (arr.), Reginald Fink (ed.)
  14. Systematic Approach to Daily Practice in Bass Clef
    Systematic Approach to Daily Practice in Bass Clef
    Print (O4959): $31.99
    Digital (O4959D): $31.99
    Claude Gordon, Claude Gordon
  15. Technical Studies
    Technical Studies
    Print (O4968): $19.99
    Digital (O4968D): $19.99
    Herbert L. Clarke, Claude Gordon (ed.), William Knevitt (ed.)
    Trombone, Euphonium
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Top Tuba Methods

French Horn | Trumpet | Trombone

  1. 36 Celebrated Studies for the Tuba
    36 Celebrated Studies for the Tuba
    Print (O5388): $17.99
    Digital (O5388D): $17.99
    Narcisse Bousquet, Peter Popiel (ed.)
  2. 66 Etudes In All Major and Minor Keys
    66 Etudes In All Major and Minor Keys
    Anton Slama
    Trombone, Tuba, Bassoon, String Bass
  3. Bass Clef Lip Flexibilities
    Bass Clef Lip Flexibilities
    Bai Lin
    Trombone, Bass Trombone, Euphonium, Tuba
  4. Complete Conservatory Method for CC Tuba
    Complete Conservatory Method for CC Tuba
    Print (O5553): $32.99
    Digital (O5553D): $32.99
    Jean-Baptiste Arban, Mike W. Roylance (ed.)
  5. Foundation to Tuba and Sousaphone Playing
    Foundation to Tuba and Sousaphone Playing
    Standard Binding (O2100): $29.99
    Wallace, Lassen, Litolff, Fred Godfrey (arr.), et al.
    Tuba, Sousaphone
  6. Legato Etudes for Tuba
    Legato Etudes for Tuba
    Print (O4896): $15.99
    Digital (O4896D): $15.99
    John Shoemaker
  7. Low Blows for Tuba
    Low Blows for Tuba
    Raul Rodriguez
  8. Physical Approach to Elementary Brass Playing
    Physical Approach to Elementary Brass Playing
    Print (O5039): $20.99
    Digital (O5039D): $20.99
    Claude Gordon
    Trombone, Euphonium, Tuba
  9. Rhythmical Articulation
    Rhythmical Articulation
    Print (O4750): $16.99
    Digital (O4750D): $16.99
    Pasquale Bona (ed.)
    Tuba, Contrabass
  10. Studies In Legato
    Studies In Legato
    Print (O4768): $18.99
    Digital (O4768D): $18.99
    Reginald Fink (ed.)
    Tuba, Bass Trombone
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Woodwinds | Brass | Strings | Piano & More

Top String Methods+

Violin | Viola | Cello | Double Bass | Harp

Top Violin Methods

Viola | Cello | Double Bass | Harp

  1. The ABCs of Violin for the Advanced
    The ABCs of Violin for the Advanced
    Standard Binding (ABC5X): $16.99
  2. Above the First Position
    Above the First Position
    Print (O3807): $18.99
    Digital (O3807D): $18.99
    Marks, Bayly, Brahms, Markwood Holmes (ed.), Russell Webber (ed.), et al.
  3. Advanced Scale Studies
    Advanced Scale Studies
    Spiral Binding (B3477): $32.99
  4. The Art Of Violin Playing
    The Art Of Violin Playing
    Standard Binding (O5365): $42.00
    Carl Flesch, Eric Rosenblith (ed.)
  5. The Art of Violin Playing
    The Art of Violin Playing
    Standard Binding (BF20): $38.99
    Carl Flesch, Eric Rosenblith (ed.)
  6. The Artist's Technique Of Violin Playing
    The Artist's Technique Of Violin Playing
    Print (O2695): $25.99
    Digital (O2695D): $25.99
    Demetrius Dounis
  7. Early Start On The Violin, Vol. 1
    Early Start On The Violin, Vol. 1
    Egon Sassmannshaus
  8. The Dounis Collection: Eleven Books of Studies for the Violin
    The Dounis Collection: Eleven Books of Studies for the Violin
    Standard Binding (BF16): $42.00
    Spiral Binding (BF16SB): $46.99
    Demetrius Dounis
  9. Foundation Studies for the Violin, Book 1
    Foundation Studies for the Violin, Book 1
    Standard Binding (O2465X): $21.99
    Heinrich Wohlfahrt, Rachel Barton Pine (ed.), K Aiqouni (ed.)
  10. Foundation Studies for the Violin, Book 2
    Foundation Studies for the Violin, Book 2
    Standard Binding (O2466X): $22.99
    Heinrich Wohlfahrt, Rachel Barton Pine (ed.), K Aiqouni (ed.)
  11. The Fritz Kreisler Collection
    The Fritz Kreisler Collection
    Standard Binding (ATF115): $36.99
    Fritz Kreisler, Eric Wen (ed.), Yehudi Menuhin
    Violin, Piano
  12. The Fritz Kreisler Collection
    The Fritz Kreisler Collection
    Standard Binding (ATF124): $39.99
    Brahms, Heuberger, Owen, Fritz Kreisler (arr.), Eric Wen (ed.), et al.
  13. The Fritz Kreisler Collection
    The Fritz Kreisler Collection
    Standard Binding (ATF125): $34.99
    Paganini, Tartini, Corelli, Fritz Kreisler (arr.), Eric Wen (ed.)
    Violin, Piano
  14. The Fritz Kreisler Collection
    The Fritz Kreisler Collection
    Standard Binding (BF11): $29.99
    Fritz Kreisler, Eric Wen (ed.)
    Violin, Piano
  15. Graded Course of Violin Playing
    Graded Course of Violin Playing
    Print (O1416): $18.99
    Digital (O1416D): $18.99
    Leopold Auer
  16. Graded Course of Violin Playing
    Graded Course of Violin Playing
    Print (O1419): $18.99
    Digital (O1419D): $18.99
    Leopold Auer
  17. Graded Course of Violin Playing
    Graded Course of Violin Playing
    Print (O1446): $19.99
    Digital (O1446D): $19.99
    Handel, Bach, Tchaikovsky, Leopold Auer, et al.
  18. Heifetz Plays Gershwin
    Heifetz Plays Gershwin
    Standard Binding (ATF134): $32.99
    Gershwin, Heyward, Heyward, et al.
    Violin, Piano
  19. High Tech for Strings
    High Tech for Strings
    Print (O5473): $16.99
    Digital (O5473D): $16.99
    String Orchestra
  20. I Used to Play Violin
    I Used to Play Violin
    Print (BF31): $21.99
    Digital (BF31D): $21.99
    Gazda, Poulton, English Folk Song, Larry Clark (arr.), Doris Gazda (arr.), et al.
    Violin, Piano
  21. Masterpieces for Violin
    Masterpieces for Violin
    Standard Binding (BF10): $42.00
    Drdla, Brahms, Smetana, August Wilhelmj (arr.), Auer (ed.), Perlman (ed.), Spiering (ed.), Eric Wen, Auer (trans.), Wilhelmj (trans.), Saenger (trans.), et al.
    Piano, Violin
  22. Méthode Progressive de Violon
    Méthode Progressive de Violon
    Print (O1416A): $24.99
    Digital (O1416AD): $20.99
    Leopold Auer, Gustave Saenger (arr.), Margo Boulanger-Pameyer (trans.)
  23. Progressive Duets - Volume I
    Progressive Duets - Volume I
    Print (BF36): $9.99
    Digital (BF36D): $9.99
    Brahms, Duncombe, Köhler, Larry Clark (arr.), Doris Gazda (arr.), et al.
    Violin 1, Violin 2
  24. Scale System
    Scale System
    Standard Binding (O5188): $29.99
    Carl Flesch, Max Rostal (ed.), Carl Flesch
  25. Simply Strings - Violin Book 1
    Simply Strings - Violin Book 1
    Denese Odegaard
  26. Six Sonatas and Partitas for Violin Alone
    Six Sonatas and Partitas for Violin Alone
    Print (BF115): $21.99
    Digital (BF115D): $21.99
    Johann Sebastian Bach, Rachel Barton Pine (ed.)
  27. Transcriptions & Cadenzas
    Transcriptions & Cadenzas
    Dinicu, Aguirre, Poulenc, Jascha Heifetz (arr.), Jascha Heifetz (ed.), et al.
    Violin, Piano
  28. Urstudien
    Print (O205): $14.99
    Digital (O205D): $14.99
    Carl Flesch
  29. The Violinist’s Daily Warm-Ups and Scale System
    The Violinist’s Daily Warm-Ups and Scale System
    Print (BF131): $29.99
    Digital (BF131D): $29.99
    Roland Vamos
  30. Violin Method
    Violin Method
    Standard Binding (O42): $22.99
    Maia Bang, Leopold Auer (ed.)
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Top Viola Methods

Violin | Cello | Double Bass | Harp

  1. Advanced Scale Studies
    Advanced Scale Studies
    Print (B3478): $26.99
    Digital (B3478D): $26.99
  2. Complete Technique for Viola
    Complete Technique for Viola
    Print (BF95): $18.99
    Digital (BF95D): $18.99
  3. Foundation Studies for the Viola, Book 1
    Foundation Studies for the Viola, Book 1
    Franz Wohlfahrt, Rachel Barton Pine (ed.)
  4. Foundation Studies for the Viola, Book 2
    Foundation Studies for the Viola, Book 2
    Standard Binding (O2660X): $24.99
    Franz Wohlfahrt, Rachel Barton Pine (ed.)
  5. I Used to Play Viola
    I Used to Play Viola
    Print (BF82): $21.99
    Digital (BF82D): $21.99
    Czech Folk Song, Ghys, Beethoven, Larry Clark (arr.), Doris Gazda (arr.), et al.
  6. One-Step Scale System System for Viola
    One-Step Scale System System for Viola
    Print (BF114): $20.99
    Digital (BF114D): $20.99
    Helen Callus, Helen Callus (ed.), Michael Lieberman (ed.)
  7. Scale System
    Scale System
    Print (O2921): $28.99
    Digital (O2921D): $28.99
    Carl Flesch, Charlotte Karman (arr.)
  8. Selected Etudes for Viola
    Selected Etudes for Viola
    Print (BF124): $20.99
    Digital (BF124D): $20.99
    Jacques Mazas, Lawrence Wheeler (ed.)
  9. Specific Technical Exercises
    Specific Technical Exercises
    Print (B2605): $9.99
    Digital (B2605D): $9.99
    Demetrius Dounis
  10. Squire Viola Solo Collection
    Squire Viola Solo Collection
    Print (BF167): $24.99
    Digital (BF167D): $24.99
    William Squire
    Viola, Piano
  11. The Karen Tuttle Legacy
    The Karen Tuttle Legacy
    Standard Binding (BF116): $36.99
    Kashkashian, Irvine, LaCourse, et al.
  12. Wohlfahrt Intermediate Studies In First Position for Viola
    Wohlfahrt Intermediate Studies In First Position for Viola
    Sitt, Danbe, Conte, Amy Rosen (ed.)
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Top Cello Methods

Violin | Viola | Double Bass | Harp

  1. 170 Foundation Studies
    170 Foundation Studies
    Standard Binding (O2469): $24.99
    Dotzauer, Lee, Buchler, Richard Hughey (ed.), et al.
  2. 170 Foundation Studies
    170 Foundation Studies
    Standard Binding (O2470): $28.99
    Franchomme, Grutzmacher, Schroder, Alwin Schroeder (arr.), Alwin Schroeder (ed.)
  3. 170 Foundation Studies for Violoncello
    170 Foundation Studies for Violoncello
    Print (O2471): $28.99
    Digital (O2471D): $28.99
    Merk, Cossmann, Berteau, Alwin Schroeder (ed.), et al.
  4. The ABCs of Cello for the Absolute Beginner
    The ABCs of Cello for the Absolute Beginner
    Standard Binding (ABC13X): $14.99
    Cello, Piano
  5. Scale System for Violoncello
    Scale System for Violoncello
    Print (O5131): $38.99
    Digital (O5131D): $38.99
    Carl Flesch, Wolfgang Boettcher (arr.)
  6. The Casals Legacy
    The Casals Legacy
    Standard Binding (BF60): $29.99
    Bach, Fauré, Casals, Marion Feldman (arr.), Marion Feldman (ed.), et al.
    Cello, Piano
  7. Cellists Favorite Contest Album
    Cellists Favorite Contest Album
    Standard Binding (O3220): $29.99
    Lucke, Bruch, Squire, Simon (arr.), Roth (arr.), Ambrosio (arr.), Malkin (ed.), Collier (ed.), Perlman (ed.), et al.
    Cello, Piano
  8. I Used to Play Cello
    I Used to Play Cello
    Print (BF66): $21.99
    Digital (BF66D): $21.99
    Czech Folk Song, Ghys, Beethoven, Larry Clark (arr.), Doris Gazda (arr.), et al.
  9. Modern Method for the Violoncello
    Modern Method for the Violoncello
    Print (464-00009): $19.99
    Digital (464-00009D): $19.99
    Stephen De'ak
  10. Modern Method for the Violoncello
    Modern Method for the Violoncello
    Print (464-00010): $21.99
    Digital (464-00010D): $21.99
    Stephen De'ak
  11. Practical Method for Violoncello
    Practical Method for Violoncello
    Print (O567): $19.99
    Digital (O567D): $19.99
    Joseph Werner (arr.), Joseph Werner (ed.)
  12. Progressive Duets - Volume I
    Progressive Duets - Volume I
    Print (BF38): $9.99
    Digital (BF38D): $9.99
    Brahms, Duncombe, Köhler, Larry Clark (arr.), Doris Gazda (arr.), et al.
    Cello 1, Cello 2
  13. Six Suites for Violoncello Solo
    Six Suites for Violoncello Solo
    Johann Sebastian Bach
  14. Squire Cello Solo Collection
    Squire Cello Solo Collection
    Standard Binding (BF47): $27.99
    William Squire
    Violoncello, Piano
  15. The New Modern Method for Cello, Volume 1
    The New Modern Method for Cello, Volume 1
    Print (414-41237): $24.99
    Digital (414-41237D): $24.99
    Stephen De'ak, Joseph Mendoes (ed.)
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Top Bass Methods

Violin | Viola | Cello | Harp

  1. 60 Melodic Etudes
    60 Melodic Etudes
    Standard Binding (BF22): $29.99
    John Patitucci
    Double Bass, Electric Bass
  2. Double Trouble
    Double Trouble
    Standard Binding (BF137): $18.99
    String Bass, String Bass
  3. Festival Performance Solos
    Festival Performance Solos
    Print (BF5): $14.99
    Digital (BF5D): $14.99
    Dancla, Merle, Traditional, Southland (arr.), Isaac (arr.), Ranger (arr.), et al.
    String Bass
  4. New Method for the Double Bass
    New Method for the Double Bass
    Standard Binding (O492): $34.99
    Franz Simandl, Frederick Zimmermann (ed.), Lucas Drew (ed.)
    Double Bass
  5. New Method for the Double Bass
    New Method for the Double Bass
    Print (O3567): $29.99
    Digital (O3567D): $29.99
    Franz Simandl, Lucas Drew (ed.), Frederick Zimmermann (ed.)
    Double Bass
  6. Progressive Repertoire for the Double Bass
    Progressive Repertoire for the Double Bass
    Standard Binding (O5427): $19.99
    George Vance, Annette Costanzi
    Double Bass
  7. Progressive Repertoire for the Double Bass - Vol. 1 (Piano Accompaniment)
    Progressive Repertoire for the Double Bass - Vol. 1 (Piano Accompaniment)
    Print (O5426): $16.99
    Digital (O5426D): $14.99
    Budrow, Vance, Hockett, George Vance (arr.), et al.
    Double Bass, Piano
  8. Progressive Repertoire for the Double Bass
    Progressive Repertoire for the Double Bass
    Print (O5428): $21.99
    Digital (O5428D): $21.99
    Bayly, Budrow, Brahms, George Vance (arr.), George Vance (ed.), et al.
    Double Bass
  9. Progressive Repertoire for the Double Bass
    Progressive Repertoire for the Double Bass
    Print (O5429): $21.99
    Digital (O5429D): $21.99
    George Vance
    Double Bass
  10. Progressive Repertoire
    Progressive Repertoire
    Print (O5463): $24.99
    Digital (O5463D): $22.99
    Antoniotti, Beethoven, Nanny, George Vance (arr.), Anthony Bianco (ed.), et al.
    Piano, Double Bass
  11. The School Of Agility
    The School Of Agility
    Print (BF3): $31.99
    Digital (BF3D): $31.99
    Eugene Levinson
    Double Bass
  12. Vade Mecum
    Vade Mecum
    Print (O5425): $23.99
    Digital (O5425D): $22.99
    George Vance
    Double Bass
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Top Harp Methods

Violin | Viola | Cello | Double Bass

  1. 10 Pieces for Solo Harp
    10 Pieces for Solo Harp
    Print (H81): $36.99
    Digital (H81D): $36.99
    Marcel Tournier, Carl Swanson (ed.)
  2. Bochsa Revisited - 40 Easy Etudes, Op. 318 - Vol I
    Bochsa Revisited - 40 Easy Etudes, Op. 318 - Vol I
    Spiral Binding (H73): $40.00
    Carl Swanson, Robert Bochsa, Carl Swanson (ed.), Judith Ross (ed.)
  3. First-Grade Pieces for Harp
    First-Grade Pieces for Harp
    Print (O4466): $11.99
    Digital (O4466D): $11.99
    Jane Weidensaul, Marcel Grandjany, Marcel Grandjany (arr.)
  4. Marcel Tournier: Intermediate Pieces for Solo Harp, Volume I (1-8)
    Marcel Tournier: Intermediate Pieces for Solo Harp, Volume I (1-8)
    Print (H83): $19.99
    Digital (H83D): $19.99
    Marcel Tournier, Carl Swanson (ed.), Catherine Michel (ed.)
  5. Old Tunes for New Harpists
    Old Tunes for New Harpists
    Print (434-40107): $19.99
    Digital (434-40107D): $19.99
    Mildred D Dilling (arr.)
  6. On Playing The Harp
    On Playing The Harp
    Standard Binding (H66): $32.99
    Yolanda Kondonassis
    Harp, Harp
  7. Sketches for Harpist Beginners
    Sketches for Harpist Beginners
    Print (464-00053): $14.99
    Digital (464-00053D): $14.99
    Carlos Salzedo
    Harp (Horn 1 in E)
  8. The Carlos Salzedo Collection
    The Carlos Salzedo Collection
    Print (H67): $24.99
    Digital (H67D): $24.99
    Brahms, Haydn, Handel, Carlos Salzedo (arr.), et al.
  9. The Yolanda Kondonassis Collection
    The Yolanda Kondonassis Collection
    Standard Binding (H68): $36.99
    Spiral Binding (H68SB): $38.99
    Various, Yolanda Kondonassis (arr.)
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Woodwinds | Brass | Strings | Piano & More

Other Top Instrumental Methods+

Piano | Fretted | Percussion

Top Piano Methods

Fretted | Percussion

  1. 12 American Preludes (Doce Preludios Americanos)
    12 American Preludes (Doce Preludios Americanos)
    Standard Binding (O5471): $18.99
    Alberto Ginastera, Alejandro Cremaschi (ed.)
  2. The Alexander Siloti Collection
    The Alexander Siloti Collection
    Standard Binding (PL112): $54.99
    Mozart, Rachmaninoff, Rimsky-Korsakov, Alexander Siloti (ed.), et al.
  3. All Etudes
    All Etudes
    Frédéric Chopin
  4. An Anthology of Piano Music for the Left Hand Alone
    An Anthology of Piano Music for the Left Hand Alone
    Spiral Binding (PL1072): $39.99
    Ruby Morgan (ed.)
  5. Beginning Piano Solos
    Beginning Piano Solos
    Standard Binding (ATF101): $24.99
    Duncombe, Turk, Burgmuller, Paul Sheftel (ed.), et al.
  6. Black Women Composers
    Black Women Composers
    Various, Helen Walker-Hill (arr.)
  7. Complete Piano Sonatas Vol. 3
    Complete Piano Sonatas Vol. 3
    Franz Joseph Haydn
  8. Complete Piano Sonatas Vol. 4
    Complete Piano Sonatas Vol. 4
    Franz Joseph Haydn
  9. The Godowsky Collection Vol. 1
    The Godowsky Collection Vol. 1
    Print (ATF122): $70.00
    Digital (ATF122D): $60.00
    Leopold Godowsky, Millan Sachania (ed.)
  10. The Godowsky Collection Vol. 3
    The Godowsky Collection Vol. 3
    Print (ATF137): $65.00
    Digital (ATF137D): $65.00
    Frédéric Chopin, Leopold Godowsky (arr.), Millan Sachania (ed.)
  11. The Keyboard Grimoire
    The Keyboard Grimoire
    Standard Binding (GT4): $32.99
    Adam Kadmon
    Keyboard, Guitar
  12. Masterpieces of Piano Music
    Masterpieces of Piano Music
    Print (O3619): $42.99
    Digital (O3619D): $42.99
    Westbrook, Batiste, Franke, Albert Wier (ed.), et al.
  13. Music Pathways - Piano Discoveries - Level A
    Music Pathways - Piano Discoveries - Level A
    Print (O5104): $9.99
    Digital (O5104D): $9.99
    Lynn Freeman Olson, Marvin Blickenstaff (ed.), Louise Bianchi (ed.)
  14. Piano Activities - A
    Piano Activities - A
    Print (O5105): $9.99
    Digital (O5105D): $9.99
    Olson, Blickenstaff, Bianchi
  15. My Favorite Program Album
    My Favorite Program Album
    Print (O3198): $26.99
    Digital (O3198D): $21.99
    Palmgren, Sinding, Mendelssohn, Gustave Saenger (arr.), Maxwell Eckstein (ed.), et al.
  16. My Favorite Solo Album
    My Favorite Solo Album
    Print (O3223): $22.99
    Digital (O3223D): $22.99
    Littoff, Smith, Pacher, Maxwell Eckstein (ed.), et al.
  17. Women at the Piano
    Women at the Piano
    Standard Binding (PL1059): $31.99
    Nicholas Hopkins (ed.)
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Top Fretted Instrument Methods

Piano | Percussion

  1. Classical Guitar Method, Op. 59 & Twenty-Five Melodious and Progressive Studies for Guitar, Op. 60
    Classical Guitar Method, Op. 59 & Twenty-Five Melodious and Progressive Studies for Guitar, Op. 60
    Standard Binding (GT216): $28.99
    Matteo Carcassi, Philippe Bertaud (ed.)
  2. Daily Grooves for Bass
    Daily Grooves for Bass
    Standard Binding (GT214): $21.99
    Patrick Pfeiffer
    Bass Guitar
  3. Diatonic Major and Minor Scales
    Diatonic Major and Minor Scales
    Andres Segovia
  4. La Guitarra
    La Guitarra
    Pepe Romero
  5. Matteo Carcassi: 25 Études Op.60
    Matteo Carcassi: 25 Études Op.60
    Matteo Carcassi, Stefano Grondona (ed.)
  6. The Bass Grimoire: Complete
    The Bass Grimoire: Complete
    Standard Binding (GT3): $29.99
    Adam Kadmon
    Bass Guitar
  7. The Guitar Grimoire: Chord Encyclopedia
    The Guitar Grimoire: Chord Encyclopedia
    Standard Binding (GT13): $39.99
    Adam Kadmon
  8. The Guitar Grimoire: Chords and Voicings
    The Guitar Grimoire: Chords and Voicings
    Print (GT2): $29.99
    Digital (GT2D): $29.99
    Adam Kadmon
  9. The Guitar Grimoire: The Exercise Book
    The Guitar Grimoire: The Exercise Book
    Standard Binding (GT100): $36.99
    Spiral Binding (GT100SB): $44.99
    Adam Kadmon
  10. The Guitar Grimoire: The Fingerpicking Book
    The Guitar Grimoire: The Fingerpicking Book
    Print (GT103): $34.99
    Digital (GT103D): $34.99
    Adam Kadmon
  11. The Guitar Grimoire: A Notated Intervallic Study of Scales
    The Guitar Grimoire: A Notated Intervallic Study of Scales
    Standard Binding (GT12): $29.99
    Adam Kadmon
  12. The Guitar Grimoire: Progressions & Improvisation
    The Guitar Grimoire: Progressions & Improvisation
    Print (GT15): $34.99
    Digital (GT15D): $34.99
    Adam Kadmon
  13. The Guitar Grimoire: The Rhythm Guitar Book
    The Guitar Grimoire: The Rhythm Guitar Book
    Standard Binding (GT104): $28.99
    Adam Kadmon
  14. The Guitar Grimoire: Scales and Modes
    The Guitar Grimoire: Scales and Modes
    Standard Binding (GT1): $32.99
    Spiral Binding (GT1SB): $42.99
    Adam Kadmon
  15. Six Exercises op. 27
    Six Exercises op. 27
    Antoine de Lhoyer, Erik Stenstadvold (ed.)
  16. Slap It!
    Slap It!
    Standard Binding (414-41138): $24.99
    Tony Oppenheim, Tony Oppenheim
    Electric Bass
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Top Percussion Methods

Piano | Fretted

  1. Brushworks
    Clayton Cameron, Karla Cameron (ed.)
    Drum Set
  2. Concepts for Timpani
    Concepts for Timpani
    Print (O5486): $28.99
    Digital (O5486D): $28.99
    John Beck
  3. Exercises Etudes and Solos for Timpani
    Exercises Etudes and Solos for Timpani
    Raynor Carroll
  4. Modern Japanese Marimba Pieces I
    Modern Japanese Marimba Pieces I
    Various, Keiko Abe (ed.)
  5. Musical Time
    Musical Time
    Ed Soph
  6. Orchestral Excerpts for Timpani
    Orchestral Excerpts for Timpani
    Barber, Bartók, Beethoven, Randy Max, et al.
  7. Orchestral Repertoire
    Orchestral Repertoire
    Raynor Carroll
    Snare Drum
  8. Orchestral Repertoire-Tambourine
    Orchestral Repertoire-Tambourine
    Raynor Carroll
  9. Orchestral Repertoire
    Orchestral Repertoire
    Raynor Carroll
    Mallet Percussion
  10. Snare Drum Method
    Snare Drum Method
    Print (O4653): $12.99
    Digital (O4653D): $12.99
    Vic Firth
    Snare Drum
  11. The Solo Snare Drummer
    The Solo Snare Drummer
    Print (O4749): $13.99
    Digital (O4749D): $13.99
    Vic Firth
    Snare Drum
  12. The Solo Timpanist
    The Solo Timpanist
    Print (O4402): $17.99
    Digital (O4402D): $17.99
    Vic Firth
  13. Take It To The Street
    Take It To The Street
    Stanton Moore
  14. The Working Timpanist's Survival Guide
    The Working Timpanist's Survival Guide
    John Tafoya (ed.)
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